Sunday 11 November 2001

Well, it's Sunday and I have a midterm on Tuesday. Not really wanting to study... HEY! I'll write my blog! Anyway... an interesting question that one of my floormates asked me today. She asked about my ankle 'cause I sprained it a couple months ago. She asked if i went to the Tang Center (the health center) and what they did to me. And then she asked, so are you gonna sue the university? And i was like.. HUH?! Why should I? I'm fine now, and it's not like the construction of the Dwinelle Hall steps are faulty. I was talkin on my stinkin cell phone. That's actually sorta funny... How'd you sprain your ankle? Oh, I fell down some stairs while talking on my cell phone. haahaa. Anywho, yeah i'm like, I don't see a reason 'cause i'm better now. And she's like.. what if you didn't heal, think of the people you can save by sueing.. and i'm like.. I prefer not to think about stuff like that. I dunno just got a bit weirded out. My thinking is: why go against the intitution that gives you the freedom of speech? Why go against the institution that houses you and gives you your education? Why just not be content? Anyway, just a conservative girl's point of view.. feel free to disagree. :P Yeah and a couple days roomate and some of our floor mates were watching this chinese cartoon thing and it was in mandarin and I realized I can't understand it. How sad is that? I'm chinese and I can't understand my own language. I dunno that's just sad. Maybe sometime in the near future, ima take chinese or somethin. yupyup. Anywho, back to studying for my midterm or doing math or music or asian am or something alone the lines of work. 1.5 WEEKS BAYBEE!!! :)

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