Sunday 18 November 2001

Last night, this morning at approx 1:38 am to 3:00 am was one of the most amazing things i've ever seen in my life. METEOR SHOWER. It was so clear and I was up at the clark kerr track. Usually it's really creepy up there 'cause it's all dark and it's QUIET.. but lots and lots of people were there. and yeah the shooting stars were amazing. It was just totally a reflection of God's glory and majesty that he would create something as beautiful as this. :) This year has been cool. :) First a lightning storm that rocked the house and a meteor shower. Very cool.
Manipulation... Is it possible for everyone to be manipulative or are there people who can't stop and people who just can't manipulate people? Interesting question without an answer. Sometimes I think i'm very manipulative and it's true. But i've never really thought of what it's like for the person to be manipulated until today. I didn't get manipulated or hurt or anything but was just thinking about that. You can totally hurt someone and belittle them and I dunno.. that's not edifying to God's body. gotta do hw. be back later with more.

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