Wednesday 9 November 2005

Growing UP

I decided against studying today as the long weekend is coming up. I'm choosing to relax. So the default thing to do now is to watch TV. I turn to the channel that's most interesting: MTV. Lo and behold, TRL is on. For you kids who don't know what TRL is, it's Total Request Live. Apparently what all the cool kids watch. I used to watch it almost religiously in high school when Carson Daly was still the hottest VJ eVaR~!

Now I'm watching and I realize, oh my goodness. The target demographic of TRL is for younger folk who write angsty poetry in their journals and yearn after that HOT guy who has the locker right next to them. Granted, I still have a locker (only big enough to hang my white coat, though no hot guy next to me) and write in my journal, but it's for the blooming adolescent struggling with growing up in a cookie cutter world.

I've grown out of this stage or pubescent drama and have moved onto the world of interviews, studying for a doctorate degree, making myself more marketable and trying to make sense of what the Lord has called me to do.

At this point, I can say "Boy, I'm getting old." But no, I WILL NOT BE MOVED. I'm only 22. Granted by age 25, my fertility will be on the decline, but I still have the energy of an 13 year old and am at the age where I can do pretty much anything I want to. I still have dreams, I'm still ideal and I still want to get so much accomplished. I'm NOT getting old. I'm just starting out. That's kind of a cool thought.

And for those of you who don't like to read, here's a picture to entertain you with.
Sarah's "Surprise" Dinner at the Elephant Bar

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