Saturday 4 May 2002

sorry, i got freud's quote wrong. this was, according to freud, a generalization that can lead to something dangerous. i'm not sure, but yeah sorry, took it out of context.

i don't want what happened this semester to happen next semester. you see, i need both bio and chem... taking bio in the morning on thurs, so that means i need to take chem lab on tues afternoon... 'cause the lab for bio ends at 12:30 and lab for chem starts at 12, so can't take chem lab on thursday, but the thing is, the lab is filled on tues. OR, i could just skip every friday of psych class, but that's just really bad. so we won't do that. OR bio class can get out .5 hours early and i don't eat lunch and fry my brain on thursdays, but that's kind of bad, too. SOOOO... i'm going to just pray and Trust God about Chem and the tuesday lab because it's all in his hands. I can't do anything. Sound like a plan?

Praise Dinner is tomorrow. Excitement flows out of me. You don't see it, but it's there. :)

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