Friday 10 May 2002

I'm a freshman. The year is 2002. I won't be applying to Pharmacy School until my senior year which is 2004. I still have a stinkin 2.5 years until I have to worry and yet i'm finding myself looking at the UCSD, UCSF and USC pharmacy school websites regularly. Am i just obsessive? For a while during first semester I considered Medical School, but that kind of fell through like after a week. Who do I want to go to pharmacy school? I heard a guy talk about pharmacy and I thought it was cool. And like I want to make people well, but not be a doctor. Man being a doctor must be tough. First there's the cat-fight pre-med undergrad odyssey, and then the MCATs and just getting into Med School. Then I hear about all this stressful stuff about not being able to relax for the rest of your life pretty much. And those, no sleep for a very long time. I admire anyone who is in Med School. But working at the pharmacy as a clerk last semester, I came across a lot of Med students, residents and doctors. To be honest some of them were conceited and thought I was nothing. They just thought I was some peon who takes in perscriptions. They're Doctors. They should care and at least be polite, not just ACT polite to their patients and be all like that to other people. My sister said med school breeds conceit. So it makes me wonder how come there are so many pre-meds that I encounter? Is it really true that these people want to become doctors. Is it really true that these people want to prevent, treat and raise awareness of health issues in the world? That's what I want to do. That's what I feel that God wants me to do. You see last summer at the pharmacy, too many of the doctors prescribed too much medication to their patients without giving much thought to their treatment history. 1 medication for asthma, one for their blood pressure, maybe a couple for the heart, on and add in antibiotics for their bronchitus. That's 5 prescriptions in 1 sitting. That's too much. For those of you who are doctors or going to med school or aspiring to go to med school, promise me two things. When you are in med school or a doctor, don't be conceited. Humility should be an outstanding trait of Christians which also applies to Christian doctors if you are one. Also pay attention to the patient's medical history. You don't want to start a public health nightmare and create strains of sicknesses that are immune certain medicines. I'd rather be out of a job because there are enough medicines out there already than be stressed out in trying to find a new medication for pneumonia.
A praise is that i'm really convicted to go to Pharmacy School. I'm not sure what comes after Pharmacy School but God I know is going to use my degree is some way to serve Him.
Just pray that I wouldn't get too obsessed over it. There aren't any tests that I have to study for like the MCATs, but there are certaint prerequisites. So just pray for perspective and I guess the endurance... i'm so procrastinating right now for finals studying...But anyway, yeah there, that's my spewage for today.

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