Thursday 16 May 2002

I'm listening to the Something Like Silas CDs and they're really good. Really encouraging and it's what my heart feels, you know? In the last 2 days i've been at the library for 11 hours. Well, that's better than being at the library for 11 hours in one day. Man, I'm so ansy for finals to go away. I still have a chance to get good grades in math and chem so I kind of want to try, but I know that if i kind of slack, I don't have to worry TOO much... it's all a matter of how much I want to get those 2 A's. But I don't want to slack.
I've been thinking a lot about this being the end of the year. I'm wondering how much I've changed. How much of it is good change, how much of it is God changing me. One superficial change is I've gained weight. A friend told me that sometimes the change is so small you don't notice. Wouldn't a change be more apparent if I compared myself to who I was at the beginning of the year?
Going swimming after one wakes up is fun. That's what I did today and I went to the library refreshed.

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