Wednesday 29 March 2006


Yesterday marks the first time in an anatomy lab, first time smelling preserved human, first time seeing cadaver and first time touching human lung (among other things).

I'm not gonna lie, the smell is horrendous. nono...the initial smell walking into the lab was not so bad. When we opened the body bag and uncovered the body, THAT was when it got bad.

My boss at Abbott's shared with me the first day he came back from anatomy lab in pharmacy school, his mom made pai gu tang (pork rib soup). Yesterday, we covered the thoracic cavity and studied the ribs ad nauseum (literally).

The new quarter has had a VERY eventful start. We'll see how the rest of it pans out.

I have pictures from my birthday, just waiting on other pictures. will post later.

::shameless plug::
::end shameless plug::

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