Wednesday 8 March 2006


1) Have you ever wondered who invented the concept of the quarter system? It totally sucks!

2) I can't wait until spring break. The Cost of Discipleship, scrapbooking, 12 sleep, shopping, mom, dad, here I come!!

3) The weather has been so interesting. It's been... raining hard at night and in the morning, it's almost clear skies. The sun shines, the birds chirp, it almost seems like the perfect day. Oh, wait, no it's not, because there are finals coming up.

4) Whoever said first year was going to be cake. Shoot, it's totally NOT cake. (say the last sentence like Chandler would say it). It's so far from being cake, it's like...the opposite of cake.

5) that idea culture bound? I value sleep a lot. Do I value it too much? Is it psychological that I think sleep is a cure-all?

6) How useful would it be to take blood samples every day during a menstrual cycle say if you have irregular cycles? Would it be useful? How expensive would it be?

7) Instead of giving up something for Lent, I've decided to take up journalling again. Empty pages waiting to be filled with deep reflective thoughts like...

8)...going to the bathroom is one of those things where I wish I didn't have to do 'cause it's 5 minutes right there of study time. Of course you can't take books into the bathroom 'cause who knows who or what's been on that floor in the library... talk about cesspool of germies.

9) I've regressed back to old patterns of behavior and thought that are selfish and unhealthy. Think of things worth thinking about.

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