Saturday 5 January 2008

Thunderclap, YEAH!!

i realize that I have a lot of irrational, perfectionist, ocd tendencies:
1) I'm always afraid that I smell. So I guess I have to constantly surround myself with good smelling things/people.
2) I can't mix food. Or else the pure taste of each dish will be contaminated with the taste of another.
3) when i'm making an outline or a chart to study off of, i'm so ocd about formatting. everything has to be centered where it's centered, the right size, the right thickness of the chart lines.
4) settlers board. ('nuff said)
5) my room is symmetrical. if there's asymmetry, it really bothers me.

ok i think 5 is enough. just imagine if i were a germaphobe. it's game over, dude.

While I was in Boston, I asked God to reveal to me areas that weren't pleasing to him and this past week, He showed me. In a big way.

I'm the type of person who'd make new year's resolutions, which is why I asked God for that. What I got back wasn't an idea for a new year's resolution, but a deep seeded struggle that'll take a lifetime (almost) to work out.


I feel like I've dealt with this issue ad nauseum but, apparently God isn't finished with me yet. I've been reminded multiple times this week that God does give and takes away. None of this is without permission and blessing and none should be taken for granted. I was reading... the Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. I shall not want. In David's 23rd Psalm, he addresses contentment straight on. But how he describes this not wanting is not what he DOESN'T have, but what he DOES have. Being led beside still waters, green pastures and having a restored soul. That was something that I soaked up like blistex to chapped lips on a cold day. The soothing salve of the Bible, once again has smoothed out my ruffled frustration and a familiar passage has taught me something new.

Those are the best. :)

1 comment:

Who Me? said...

*clearing throat* what's wrong with being a germaphobe?