Wednesday 16 January 2008

Midday Break

I just took an hour to wander around randomly on the internet (namely facebook, travel websites and deal websites) for no particular reason. I'm starting to wonder maybe I should use my leisure time for something more productive than wandering.

Which brings me to productivity...
sometimes it's hit or miss with me. I can be studying with people. some days are ULTRA productive, some days are NOT productive at all. I can be studying by myself. Some days are ULTRA productive, some days are NOT productive at all.

But the idea of something coming is motivation to be more productive than baseline.

So along that thought, I'm totally looking forward to Vegas.

1 comment:

chuchublog said...

Dear Roz:
Even at my age in the office, I have the same feeling.
Like you said, some day slow and other days got a lot done.
That is just the way it is. I learn that from my old boss. He had the same thing.
The important thing is stay focus and stay positive.
God bless,
Love you, Dad