Friday 23 September 2005

Reflections from the first week
Sitting in the library going through an orientation. It gives a good chance to go online and do random stuff like update!

This past week has been really busy. Suppose it's a combination between transitioning from semester system to quarter system and being in grad school. On the whole, this pharmacy thing is really enjoyable. My classmates and I have gotten to know each other through socials, info-sessions, parties and class. I'm looking forward to more of them these next few years.

I LOVE MY APARTMENT! If you need an oasis away from the daily grind, my crib is open for studying, relaxing and general hanging out. I love to have people over and have arranged things to be as homey as possible. (and I have a gallon tub of green tea ice cream [thanks Low family!], a futon, wireless internet, music playing in the background [any genre] and a clean bathroom). Also, for anyone in SoCal, if you're female, you can stay the night if you want.

I have a lot of goals and vision for this first year like:
1) read a non-science book a quarter
2) start on my scrapbook
3) find a church/fellowship/community where I can serve
4) make new friends, keep in touch with old ones

huh... none of these relate to pharmacy.
At any rate, after the first week...there's been only time for the #3 and 4. Sorry, Fyodor and Eileen, I won't be able to finish your books by December.

Things have been a little uncomfortable just because there's so much going on and I'm trying to find "home" again. In the past few months, it's been almost completely redefined and it'll be a while until I find it again, hopefully in something worthy (i.e. God).

Classes are really exciting (except for Pchem [STUPID CHANG] and biostat). It's funny both of these classes I took fall of Jr. Year, my hardest semester at Cal. We're actually learning things that we'll carry with us into our careers. So if you have health questions, I might be able to answer them. If not, I'll send you to the right resource.

In addition to classes, there're a LOT of opportunities to get involved in the community and help with screenings and consultations. I'm really looking forward to getting plugged in because it's something that I've had a vision for since last year with regards to health fairs.

All in all, it's been a good week.


Anonymous said...

Hi Roz! I have some old books/notes that you might be able to use. Granted the info is slightly dated its still good stuff. Maybe we can get together sometime. Christine

Anonymous said...

pchem is fun!!! well, only thermo pchem. quantum mechanics pchem wasnt too enjoyable. i hope that pharm school gets beter for you :)