Friday 3 June 2005

Currently Reading: Oryx and Crake - Margaret Atwood
Wow, bio majors should read this. Margaret Atwood is an amazing story teller who knows her genetic engineering.

On another note, I saw this... its interesting.
“People who flit from relationships to relationship as their infatuations lead them aren’t really happy; they’re desperate – and they’ll never find what they’re looking for as they allow their desperation to bury potential life partners. There is no perfect “soul mate.” … There will be only sinner after sinner after sinner. But when you learn to accept and love one particular sinner over several decades, you can slowly build an alliance and intimacy that nothing else can match.” -Gary Thomas,
Devotions for a Sacred Marriage

How unconditional can you be when you're in a relationship?

And jumping on the Al Mohler Bandwagon (::cough:: mr. jeff)
this was addressed to the men: The Marks of Manhood

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