Tuesday 9 July 2002

hm... lack of spiritual insight. I'm reading/finishing Richard Foster's Celebration of Discipline and it's alrite. it's not life changing but there are some good practical applications it's not a quick fix to get all disciplined and stuff, but it's something to get on the right track, but if you want to be disciplined, you don't read about it. I'd rather be disciplined than to read about it. like when you're fat and say you want to work out or something like that. you don't go on the internet and read about working out and all that stuff. you go do it. sweat blood and tears, dude. Surely studying is a part of the Christian life, but a majority of study should be focused on the Bible 'cause you know.. it's the Bible. God is the hero of our lives, God is the hero of the Bible the protagonist, you see His sovereign will working throughout all of time.

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