Wednesday 13 March 2002

I'm so excited, my uncle and his daughters are home to visit. Grace, Joy and Chastity are so amazingly cute. I get to play with them allllll week. But the sucky thing is, I have to leave the house. But it's for a good reason and I'm excited about it, too. I'm going to visit the city of Hope, the beckman research institute and you get to do research. I'm very excited about this position and hoping i'm going to get it because i'd love to do any research that has to do with cancer or immunology or health or anything. It's going to be soooo cool. What else, oh, i applied for this thing called FLARE. something lates allergy research and education. basically latex allergy and asthma research in long beach. my parents are faxing in my resume. big prayer request. but i'm a freshman. can't really expect much because i'm a freshman you know? so.. i'm REALLY hoping to get into the Beckman research institute. But yeah.. it depends on what God wants me to do this summer. He opens doors and closes them. SPeaking of which.. i locked myself out today haahaa. anyway, yeah.
"If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple. Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:26-27
Daily Surrendering, Daily counting the cost, Daily Sacrifice.

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