Wednesday 2 January 2002

Ok.. Part II of the malaysia.. thing.
To be graphic, my cycles are totally off. Nature calls me an hour after every meal and she doesn't stop until i answer and it sucks because she's really mean and make me feel bleh. :( so anyway, guess what i saw, PENGUINS!! YES YES YES. MY FAVORITE ANIMAL IN THE WHOLE WIDE WORLD. HAAHAAHAHAAHAAHAHAA. THey are SO AMAZINGLY CUTE. this is the FIRST EVER time i saw PENGUINS in my whole entire LIFE. They're SO AMAZINGLY CUTE. ( I know i'm being repetetive, but it's for EMPHASIS) Yeah they were so cute. Like there were 2 females incubating behind a glass case thingy and outside there were a couple penguins too. I can't tell if they were male or not, but like they were just out there watching the 2 femals and we thought. it would have been SOSOSOSOSO cute if those were their mates because penguins mate for life. Isn't that cute? And when they waddle i was like.. awww. i just wanna take one home. and like when they swim.. they just fall into the water and just swim.. they look like they're flying and they're so graceful too.. i kno i know.. penguins, graceful? but they ARE they ARE!! And it's so cute, when they're about to get fed.. all of them just go to the entrance and line up almost and wait there.. and the just follow the guy wherever he goes and it does look like a parage..that's why the exhibit is called penguin parade, get it? GET IT?!! haahaa.. and like he pets them and picks them up and talks to them... man. they're so cute. yeah ok.. that was the highlight of my trip.

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