Wednesday 30 January 2002

Blog, whoever came up with the word "Blog" this is like the public portion of my journal. online journal if you will.. of my not so private thoughts, well most of them at least.
Today I was thinking about the purpose of a scrapbook. I have one for my trip to Europe, my childhood and in the process of making one for my vacation to Malaysia. On one hand, it's a collection of souveneirs (free usually) and memories that you wanna keep forever. On another hand it's just trash that you're not willing to throw away and so you spend money to buy a book to glue all of this stuff in so it doesn't look as much like trash.
Come to think of it, most of my fondest memories are not captured in a scrapbook, but engrained, burned into my brain like i have cd burner in my brain and my brain is just one big cd.. like infinity gigs of hard drive space.
Another thing.. this is how much God loves me: 8. It might look like an 8 but if you tip it over like you would cowtip, then it's an infinity sign. Now that's something that you can't find on your character map. It should be there, though 'cause every other character in the world is on the character map. Maybe it is on there. If anyone finds it, tell me because inifinity is such an interesting concept to inject into a mere symbol.

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