Saturday 1 December 2001

You wanna know something weird? Our phone works sometimes and doesn't work sometimes. Weird. Today, one of my floormates has a guitar so i was just jamming in my room.. worshipping God. It was amazing. I love music, I love to play guitar and I love to worship. Especially when you're hungry and only focused on God. Fasting is a good discipline... Jesus fasted for 40 days. It causes one to not be consumed by eating, but to draw back from this human trait and observe and meditate on what God has taught.. it allows one to observe and it take so much discipline. Today during HBS, Stacy brought cookies and was I hungry. Tomorrow for lunch, ima break the fast. But for now... it's just reflection, observation and meditation. time to sleep. check out the pictures! more to come soon. :) bye!

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