Wednesday 16 May 2007

Roz for Choice

No, I'm not advocating a woman's right to choose, but I've come across a very interesting epiphany this past weekend. I can choose. I have the choice on how I react to certain situations even though sometimes I always thought i was "made" to react a certain way. I can choose my future husband. Even though it feels counterintuitive to me, I have the choice to say yes or no instead of thinking that any guy that "chooses me" is a keeper. That's what's been my downfall in the past. I have the choice to accept things and I have the choice to be joyful.

This is what free will feels like. Kind of liberating.

But you know how you know there's organic vegetables, but you still get the cheaper vegetables? You still don't get the organic vegetables (even though they might be better) because you're comfortable with the cheaper vegetables. I feel that way sometimes with this newfound freedom. I'm still in the habit of not choosing... not even considering my choices. That's an interesting habit to break.

God has brought me such a long way from that bad place, but this past weekend, he's reminded me that I'm not fine yet. That i'm still a work in progress and I definitely can't provide my own joy. It's funny how amazing His timing is.

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