Saturday 12 August 2006

One minute yesterday, two minutes today

On the plane today, something happened. I was motivated to do something, to journal. I feel as though I've been wrestling with the demons in my head for so long that it's about to explode. I'm afraid to let it all out for fear that they'll make me less of a person. But it's gotten to the point where I'm consumed with myself and my thoughts that I have nothing to give others, especially those close to me, for that I am truly sorry.

Time to heal...

How much time? How hard will it be?

There's so much uncertainty in the future, but I am more than ever determined to slay that monster that has screwed me over.

God, gird me with your strength. Without you, I am nothing, powerless. I haven't even had the strength to get out of the bed in the morning. Bring the hope that comes only from you. Amen

1 comment:

Pauline said...

"You can't understand light unless you understand darkness, because that's where life is most often lived... somewhere between the two. It's messy and it's beautiful all at the same time."

“Whether we want to admit it or not, we are in the same place as those who don’t believe as we do. For all of us, life is fluid. It ebbs and flows. We get caught in darkness and some days we escape into light. Life is beautiful one moment and tragic the next. But we seem to spend all our time trying to separate the two - to somehow weed out the bad moments and highlight the good. We forget that all these things flow into one another.”
-Bebo Norman

May you escape into the the light more days than not. LOVE YOU!