Saturday 8 October 2005

how can i do more?

It's been a busy week. But yesterday and today, we had the blessing to attend an AIDS conference. It made me think of the ominous question that I've thought about since someone said this a long time ago: "Pharmacists only do part of what doctors. Doctors have to know everything."
But since East Asia and especially today, I've questioned, what in the world can I do for God's glory as a pharmacist? I can't be people's primary care provider...I'm only in charge of people's medications.
Today, while we were watching a movie about the epidemic, I felt helpless because I know I won't be able to care for people like a physician would. Sure, I'll have 4 years of grad school under my belt when i graduate, but I won't have the training to go to someone and have the knowlege base to make decisions to help them feel better, to HEAL.
I've wondered, would I be move effective as a physician instead of a pharmacist? What part do I have in God's sovereign plan when it comes to missions and evangelism? I feel so strongly called to health ministries, but at the same time, I don't know what to do.
I see all the med students here, they're so talented and intelligent, they can do so much more than I can.
While walking home, I started crying. I want to make a difference, but at the same time, I felt like i couldn't do anything. Seeing a little girl who couldn't even undress herself because she had no muscles. She was so small and she was only skin and bones, literally. She's now dead because she didn't have any money for her HIV medication.
I'm reminded once again that being here isn't about me. it's not about making money or having prestige. It's about thinking outside of myself, having compassion. In fellowship we studied Luke 10 and the story of the good Samaritan. It's about seeing the world with Jesus' eyes, loving people with Jesus' love. I have this amazing gift, this love of Christ and this other gift, the gift of a graduate education, something that I feel so convicted to use. I hope God will do huge things in Health so I can be so blessed to witness it.

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