Saturday 3 July 2004

Some Conclusions after about 1.5 hours of shopping at 3rd street promenade in santa monica:
VonDutch is ugly and expensive. If you buy stuff there, you can't even return it.
Some people dress up to go shopping. (my sister says they treat you better if you look presentable, yours truly went in a holy t-shirt and old sweats).
The weekend before July 4th weekend has pretty good sales or seasonal clearances, or maybe it was just this year.
parking is a hassle
didn't see any stars this time
the street performers are super cool, though there are too many bucket drummers.

Survey, please let me know what you think:
Should high schoolers and junior highers get an ATM or credit card? or do you think they should wait until college? or never get one at all? and Why do you think that way?

Personally: high schoolers and junior highers should NOT get credit cards, unless they show signs of utmost maturity and are financially viable (i.e. have a steady paying job that allows for SPARING use of the credit card) but even then, the kid should be saving up for college or that dream car or something.

Comments anyone?


Anonymous said...

high schoolers who drive should get a credit card to buy gas. otherwise, yeah get a card if they have a job

Roz said...

Actually, yeah i agree with you. one way my parents somehow got out of that was they got 2 speedpasses from mobile. so it allowed us to get gas without giving us a credit card.

Anonymous said...

I got a credit card when I turned 18...however it was a joint one that was connected to my parents' account. It was only supposed to be used for emergencies...but I would agree that it could easily be abused.

Not using "real" money makes it easier to spend.