Wednesday 30 July 2008


This rotation has taught me to accept imperfection.

My friend told me that this rotation will force me to not be a perfectionist. And to be honest, it absolutely has. As painful as it is and as much as I hate it, i'm learning.

Mistakes are bound to happen. And when they do, the right thing to do is NOT condemnation. I can't beat myself up everytime I make a mistake. I've been doing that and it doesn't work. But yesterday while running... (i feel like I get so much clarity when I run and it's just me and my ipod), I was reminded God's grace covers me. I will make mistakes and I'm messed up. But things are finished and I'm given grace.

Perhaps if I make a fatal mistake in the hospital, I won't be given much grace, or if I'm a licensed pharmacist, but that's ok. Learning to deal with it.

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