Monday 11 September 2006


lately i've been struggling with feeling invisible. Like i'm not out there enough for people to notice me, not beautiful enough, not outspoken enough, not smart enough, not enough of a leader.

But something totally cool happened this morning right when I wake up. It was like God planting a thought in my head that was positive: He anointed David who wasn't the most obvious candidate for king. All of his older brothers appeared stronger, bigger, more kingly, but God chose David. Why? Because of his heart.

"Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things man looks at. Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

kind of nice.

So lately I've been laying low, and I have no social stories to share, but my dreams have been the most shareworthy. Here's a dream I had last night.

So a couple friends and I are in Yosemite and we're in bunks on the north wall of a cabin. But the cabin looks like a visitor center, so there are rangers walking around. So i'm on the top bunk (i love top bunks) with my sleeping bag and mumford. The ranger is talking to us about protecting ourselves and something about steve irwin, and suddenly this huge bear comes in and lunges straight for mumford. At this point i'm freaking out. For those of you who don't know mumford, he's the penguin that DJ gave me for christmas one time. I sleep with him everynight (yes I know i'm a grown adult, but whatever, I still love my mumford) who's a wannabe teddy bear. He has this hat that has ears and is holding this teddy bear. so he's like a teddy bear. So after the ranger diverts the bear, he explains, "wow, Harold (the king of the grizzly bears) is really sensitive to things that look like bears, so you better protect that little animal of yours. So basically I stuff mumford head first into my rolled up sleeping bag head first to hide his bear-ness. And then the dream goes on, but it's not interesting enough to share.

so random.


Anonymous said...

That was funny. Actually, the REALLY funny thing is that he has a name, and Mumford at that!!

Anonymous said...

lol, i love your entries

Anonymous said...

the bears represent the cal bears, and mumford represents all other football teams, and yeah, this is why i am not daniel (who actually has the gift of dream interpretation)

Anonymous said...

aw...poor mumford, he should just stop pretending to be a bear and be who he truly is..a penguin
