Thursday 22 June 2006

functioning member of society

Hello from beyond the counter.

Buy Walgreens Brand so they can pay me more!

I finally get to do stuff that I didn't get to do as a clerk... like handle percocet, and amphetamines. Fun stuff.

I have new respect for pharmacists and technicians. Things are busier than they seem from beyond the counter. It's like a duck. You THINK it's just sitting in water, but it's paddling away so fervently that you'd think it's little legs can't possibly keep it afloat.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer gives an AMAZING treatment of Matthew 5-7 (Sermon on the Mount). Really, amazing. A new perspective on fixing my eyes on Jesus.

My commute is the reason why I came to San Francisco to live. I pass Golden Gate Park, UC Med Center, Haight Ashbury, Pacific Heights and the Presidio on my way to work. I see the Golden Gate bridge, Palace of Fine Arts, DeYoung and Downtown. I feel so lucky to live in the City.


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