Tuesday 12 April 2005

there's a picasso museum in paris. BUT PICASSO ISN'T FRENCH!!!! (is the most common statement mentioned after i say "we went to the picaso museum).

the smart car. i love the smart car. it's so.... happy!

So Wednesday was museum day. we went to likfe 5 museums of something. We totally got the money from our museum pass back, and then some. it was great. This is the Musee D'Orsay (the impressionist's museum) It's totally worth it to come here when you're visiting paris.

Lesson of the day: Genevive is the patron saint of Paris. (this is the pantheon, a converted church)

Our Lady (Notre Dame) Imagine a huge courtyard about the size of a football field in front of this filled with white chairs. it's Easter Week and they're having mass at sunset.

i'll give you a minute to ooo and awe at our attractiveness..................So the building (arch) behind us is La Defense. This is equivalent to the pentagon in US terms. There are offices within the arch. this plaza we're standing on is like the center of Paris' modern downtown. Allison and I went shopping while Jay played with his camera. YAY H&M for opening up a new store in the fall in SF!!!

The big thumb. It's a right thumb just sticking out of the ground about 100 feet from La Defense (Arch). We were so in awe of the sheer size of the thumb, we dared not step close and actually figure out what its purpose was. but there it is, the big thumb.  Posted by Hello

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