Tuesday 12 October 2004

mm... blisters are unpleasant, especially if they're at the tips of your fingers.

i have a question floating around in my head:

to what extent does one want to preserve the unity of a christian group say.. a fellowship. people may have a different way of doing things, different ways of leadership, even different doctrines, so how do you reconcile these differences and yet remained unified as one body of Christ?
please be concise and give Biblical references, thanks.
it's an honest question i've been struggling with since DC, even before that, thinking about unity and how we should be as brothers and sisters. I dunno, its an interesting quesiton and I can't help but personalize things. It's how i'm built. I wonder is there anything I can do to preserve the unity, you know? Anyway, looking forward to hearing answers. thanks.

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