Monday 9 August 2004

How do you praise God when you're on the bottom rung?

I realize that I tend not to praise and worship my Lord and Savior when hard times are here. And when something good happens like when I get a good grade on the test and/or yeah something good happens.

But worship and praise shouldn't depend on what mood I'm in but the quality of the One I'm worshipping and praising. God is ALWAYS good, ALWAYS powerful and ALWAYS loving. I on the other hand am not ALWAYS anything but inconsistent.

I think it takes a lot of trust to open one's heart and worship/praise when one is going through a hard time like a time of emotional anguish or the loss of something or struggling with sin. To open up in the midst of such hardship means that you're surrendering to the one you're worshipping, becoming vulnerable, putting yourself onthe line for more potential heartbreak and pain. Well it also depends on who/what you're worshipping, too.

Yeah, its something that I'd like to challenge myself with.

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