Wednesday 23 June 2004

I just finished my personal statement. Need people to proofread and revise. Any takers?


Anonymous said...

this is not anonymous. hannah's good at proofreading, you should ask her. =) i'm not that good at editting shtuff, but if you want, I'll read it.

Anonymous said...

Aloha Ms. Roz,
I have a favor to ask of you in regards to your personal statement for your pharmacy application. My girlfriend is applying to numerous colleges and UCSF is her first choice. I am trying to help her in anyway that I can sooooo here's the question. Since your pharmacy personal letter was successful, is there any chance that I could have a copy to help her have an idea on what to say? She is in the reserves and works fulltime and is really struggling to balance school, work and everything else so any help you could give would be greatly appreciated. By the way, that was very deep stuff on the "how can I do more?" topic. It's sad to see all the pain and suffering in the world today. We all feel small in comparison to the monumental task it would take to cure, heal or just ease the pain of others. As the other writer pointed out - maybe being a Pharmacists is what God has planned for you. Well good luck in what ever you choose to do or be. Adrian

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