Friday 10 August 2007

Coming Home

Living abroad is a very interesting concept. My roots are not in the place where I am inhabiting, and yet I've gotten into a routine and have made friends and found my niche (more or less). It is unfamiliar, yet a place where I am forced to adapt to. I am here being stretched to fit into a mold that I've never tried on.

I feel like that's a lot like how we Christians should approach our lives. I heard somewhere that our home is not of this world. That we are merely pilgrims here. We are born, we live and we die for one purpose: God. I guess those are all the thoughts in my head right now (besides the prospect of sleeping in my own bed with my baby blanket, talking to friends without having to worry about the cost and seeing familiar sights).

At any rate, in about...17 hours familiarity shall return. :)

1 comment:

Pauline said...

roz, you are so artistic.