Sunday 16 July 2006

Not finished yet...

There's this plaque that says, "Please be patient, God isn't finished with me yet..."

God has been teaching me that perfection isn't expected nor is it required.

When Jill Goodachre asks Chandler if he wants a piece of gum when they're trapped in the ATM vestibule, he responds with, "that would be perfection..."

I wish so many times I could say that about myself. "I'm perfection..." But ALL the time, I come up short and end up disappointing myself. I know how self absorbed this may sound to all of you, but I expect perfection from myself. My family and my closest friends can attest to that.

How liberating would it be to think, I'm not perfect, I'm not God and I can't do/be everything to everyone. Seems like such a basic lesson, but I am far from mastering it.

It's such a beautiful day outside. On no grounds is that my doing. God makes the weather change.

I think I also struggle with NOT trying to be perfect because I think it's just a cop out way to live, no effort needed. I guess that's my hubris. Where the balance?

I confess this irreverent attitude. Father, please forgive the behavior and the attitude that has been taken to the extreme, amen.

"being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus."

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