Sunday 5 February 2006

I'm Doing this for You.

Amidst of a busy week and once again the Lord has been telling me to "CHILL ROZ."

"But God, I'm doing this for you!" I say.

I came to school in hopes that when I finish, I could use these skills and this degree for ministry.

I'm finding myself studying for the A again. My mom, EVERYTIME we talk on the phone tells me to not worry. All I need to do at this point is pass. What's the worse thing that can happen if I DON'T? There's a difference between being obsessed with doing well and being satisfied with the amount I've learned and knowing that I've given 100%.

There's this picture of real peace. I think I heard it in a sermon one time. There're 2 birds. One is in a tree in a field where nothing is going on. It is in a next taking care of its young. The sun is warm, there's a light breeze and it's happy and content. There's another bird in the crevice of a cliff under a small bush. The waves are crashing from below, there's thunder and rain from above and the only solice is the bush and the protection of the rock. It is also taking care of its young.

You might say the first bird has peace. But the 2nd bird has peace, too. Amongst the raging environment, the bird can still live, go on carrying out it's daily activities IN SPITE of the raging storm. That's something I yearn for when things get busy.

BUT, i'm looking forward to the day where I get to be like this guy..

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ha, i find myself doing the same thing...the grades really don't matter anymore but there's something engrained about needing that best grade possible. we need gelato!