Tuesday 8 February 2005

Blessed with short legs

mm... needless to say, i have a long torso and short legs. a part of me wished i had longer legs simply because everything... every pant that fits at the wait does not fit at the ankle, except ankle and short sizes. So i get the pleasure of hemming almost every piece of bottom clothing including skirts. but recently i discovered fitted pants. i used to get baggy pants 'cause they were comfortable, but always complained that they didn't fit very well. i suppose i shouldn't complain because it's self inflicted and i did make the choice to buy looser pants. to all of you who have short legs, LEARN TO HEM YOUR PANTS! life is so much easier to have a good fitting pair of pants.
mm such a vain entry.

retreat was great. i had forgotten what it felt like to laugh until my side hurt, but at retreat it happened and it's a good feeling. Pastor Steve Lo is awesome. In the first message he spoke on finding God when passion fades (Revelation, the church in leodicea) very much like american churches today. i find myself thinking that things are ok and i can go it alone, but in reality i am nothing (LISTEN TO BEBO) without God.
mm yeah. very thankful for the support system God has blessed me with.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

there's so many nice unhemmed dress pants