Wednesday 5 January 2005

these aren't new years resolutions, just stuff i need to do.
laugh more
cry less
go to pharmacy school
apply the things i've learned in service, sunday school, devotions
sing more
be more secure: in my relationships, in my relationship with Christ
find joy in everything...
be more giving
be less selfish
cherish the friendships i have now
party, because i can. :P
teach my 31 year old male cousin how to bake a cheesecake
watch harold and kumar
play piano more
learn how to share the Gospel in mandarin
backpack through Europe
not be so anal, neurotic and control-freakish
Make God the center of my universe instead of me or any person
not to be codependent
be regular
figure out what i'm going to wear to sean and emily's wedding
cherish my parents while they're still here

Here's my New Year's resolution: to read the Bible by the end of the year. I've never done that and i've been told that you really see God working and God's patience through the apostasy and redemption of the nation of Israel.

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